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April through October
Sundays 1-4 PM (except Easter)
Extended hours based per event.
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SPRING CLEANUP – March 1 – 2 and March 15 – 16, 2025 FINAL Spring Cleanup

Schmidt’s Produce Stand

In the 1930s the Schmidt farm was well known for its produce. People would come up to the house to buy their homegrown vegetables and fruits. They begged Will Schmidt to put up a stand out on the road. This picture (taken in 1933) shows Will’s answer to those requests. The sign says it all. Will and his sons (Bill and Henry) sold only what they grew. That included tomatoes, corn, cibleme squash, Tom Watson watermelons (which grew to 100 lbs), eggplant, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, peaches, apples and sweet potatoes in season. According to the records, cibleme squash (which are little green squash that some call pat-a-pans) were also grown at Hancock’s.
Ten year old Bill Schmidt and his bike can just barely be seen to the left of the stand.
To the right of the stand is a house that is still in use. At the time Herbert and Arthur Gibbings (or Giddings) from England lived there. They developed Severna Park. That corner was sold many times before it fell into disuse. Bill Schmidt purchased the property to return it to the farm.
At one time Mr. Wilson rented the property and had a gas station in front of the house. Wilson was the caretaker for the Wellington farm for many years and bought many pieces of land in the area. He eventually moved the gas station further down Mountain Road (near Fairwood Rd). That station is still owned by the Wilson family.